William Kent, Inc. is one of Western & Central New York's leading appraisers of farm machinery and equipment, farmland and rural real estate, cattle, estates and antiques.
Our 40 years of experience selling everything from antiques to cattle to farm machinery to industrial equipment to land, gives us the knowledge to fairly and accurately price assets in a fast-changing market. Our appraisals are in demand because of our fast turnaround and our experience.
Our appraisal services have been utilized by banks, attorneys, businesses and individuals for the purposes of estate planning, estate settlement, litigation support, collateral appraisals and business asset valuations. We also have extensive courtroom experience.
We have provided appraisal services to customers throughout the Northeast including New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Our appraisals typically include:
- Color photos
- Serial & model numbers
- Overall condition of chattel property
- Plus, our real estate appraisals are supported by recent sales generated by our real estate department
Find out the worth of your real estate, property, land or machinery in no time with an appraisal from William Kent. Once your appraisal is ready, take your house or property to auction with motivated buyers.
Appraisal Form